Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fred didn't come last sunday

Martine is loosing her time on Facebook
This is a fake of my favourite readings when I was a kid.

He wrote on sunday just to tell how much he cried for his training, but I know he just tried to justify himself . He didn't tell that he was sorry to not come for going make some photographies.
Men are always scared when I have to meet them, or just talking online with them, they are rude, or coward, and I'm tired of that.
I don't like when Ken talks to me as I was obsessed by my father, he thinks I have an obsession as Freud described in his trash book's. I think he was drunk talking to me, or he did that because I'm scaring.I have been suffering of headaches for a week, Why do I feel so guilt ?
I like Facebook, but only for private messages.

I have talked to Michelle, and this is the first time I have talked to an American Woman on MSN, she's the most sensitive and smart woman I have met online.


Karen ^..^ said...

If men are threatened by what happened to you in your past, and accuse you of being obsessed or accuse you of not being able to get over it, then clearly it is their problem and not yours. They just do not have the emotional maturity to handle a woman like you. You are honest, and open, and know you need to speak of the things you went through in order to heal. This man is not worthy of you. He is too self centered. I despise Freud and all he stood for. Jung was not much better, but anyone can see that the scars from emotional and physical abuse have nothing to do with the vile garbage that Freud spews.

Just discard all of these losers, Fran. Soon you will find a wonderful understanding man who wants to be your friend and share in ALL of your life, not just the good but the bad too. The unworthy just cannot handle it.

Fran said...

Karen you're too right, I know this man is not for me, but I have been knowing him for 4 years, sometimes he's sweet and sometimes he's very rude. I know we can't live together but there is a physical attraction, I can't stop talking to him. But I know one day I will not talk to him anymore because HE'S NOT THE RIGHT Man ...
Thanks again for your comments !

Fran said...

I have fired him out of my life, but he tried to provocate me, only for an answer, I did not.
Go to Hell Ken Ray !